Phoenix Children's Foundation

BLS Renewal - Skills Check - Apr 29, 2011
Phoenix Children's Hospital


This is a BLS Renewal Skills Check class. 


Class Requirements:

One week prior to your skills check-off you will recieve an email including your key code/passcode for the online portion of the class with American Heart Association and an appointment time to report for the skills check portion of this class.


Your appointment will be scheduled for a 45 minute increment within the scheduled 4 hour timeframe of this event.


Please bring the following required items to your appointment:


*A printed CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION from the online portion of the class

*A current BLS card



Class Description:

The BLS Healthcare Provider Course teaches CPR skills for helping victims of all ages (including doing ventilation with a barrier device, a bag-mask device, and oxygen); use of an automated external defibrillator (AED); and relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (FBAO). It's intended for participants who provide heath care to patients in a wide variety of settings, including in-hospital and out-of-hospital. For certified or non-certified, licensed or non-licensed healthcare professionals.



Start Date:
End Date:  

2108 E. Thomas Rd.
Training Room #2
Phoenix, AZ 85016

We're sorry, the deadline for buying tickets for this event has passed.